Progress on the garage lighting …

Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023

With the help of my son, we are on the cusp of finishing the LED lighting for the garage. We have one final set of four 8-foot lights to install, then I have the 4-banger AC outlet to mount on the rafter to power the lights. Then the cabling goes to the wall next to the breaker panel where I’ll wire in the light switch.

My 1987 Dodge D150 pickup truck would be a great project to practice my painting skills on.

I’m already looking at a couple of places where I may cut in an additional 110 outlet. I would like to add a garage door opener, but not sure I have enough time before my son leaves for college. I have a couple of house chores I need his help with as well, so once the lighting is done I think I’m going to have to shift to the house chores. These have to do with store windows; not difficult jobs, just need two sets of hands. The storm windows on our old house have actual glass in the storms, and as a unit, they’re fairly heavy and you don’t want to drop one.

We were planning to install the last string of lights today, but the Plymouth batter was completely flat — someone — my son — left the get turned in the “on” position. UGH! I was not happy.

I have a slow charger on it now, but the battery may not come back. After more than 2 hours, it did little more than rattle the starter solenoid. I’ve decided that tomorrow, we will just push the car forward out of the way, then backward out of the way in the garage. Its on the flat smooth floor, and won’t be hard to push.

I have lots of work to do on the Plymouth, and some before my son goes back to school. I’ll need him to help me with the brake light switch. at least.

BODY WORK PLANS. My plans are this fall to start on the body work phase of the Plymouth. I need to remove the trim on the sides and around the windows. My mig welder is here, and the shielding gas comes tomorrow, so I’ll be ready to do some rust repair with steel.

Tammy wants to learn to weld, so I bought her an auto-darken welding hood like mine. She was surprised to say the least. I have to do some practice on my own as well.

I would still prefer to paint the green Dodge Truck before tackling the Plymouth. We’ll see.

Progress on the garage lighting …
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