Cruise-in Sunday, but not for me this time …

Friday, June 10, 2022

The local group is having two events this weekend — providing cars for a display prior to the downtown street concert on Saturday, then one of the first Sunday cruise-ins the groups is now scheduling on a regular basis.

The weather for both days is going to be great; however tomorrow, my wife and I have work to do at her mother’s house that she and her brother are prepping to sell. Its a five or six hour commitment tomorrow, and we’re locked into downtown until 4 p.m. Since the goal here is to display cars, it isn’t a car owner friendly as most cruise-ins. We have things we need to do Saturday besides mess with the car.

On Sunday, we’re having the regular noon to 6 p.m. cruise-in. I would probably be there were it not for one thing — our son is going to be out of the house for the afternoon working, and we would like some time at home without him at our feet. Priorities, you know? LOL

I will make the 4th Saturday a priority this month. By then I can wash off the car and maybe another application of wax detailer.

NEW HORN RING. I purchased a second complete horn ring on eBay recently. In the nearly two years I’ve owned the car, I’ve only seen two come up for sale, and I own them both. They’re pretty damn uncommon. I have two broken ones I can sell now I guess.

JOB LIST GROWING! My list of work I need to either do myself or pay to have done continues to grow. Here’s some things off the top of my head:

  1. Fix or repair the gas filler tube.
  2. Install the new alternator
  3. repaint the air cleaner
  4. remove, paint and replace the valve covers
  5. seperate the horn halves.
  6. replace spark plug wires
  7. take car to A1A Auto to check brake, fuel lines; measure for new driveshaft.

… and that’s just the start!

While our son is out of work, perhaps I can get his help to get some of this done. He’s pretty adverse to doing anything that involves sweat. He would never have last a summer out at the state park when my brother and I were working there.

Cruise-in Sunday, but not for me this time …
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