Plymouth parts, garage update

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2021

Time for a quick update from the Shadetree Mechanic’s Garage — that’s my name for my eventual YouTube channel. How would a shadetree mechanic have a garage, you ask? Well, a phone call to a builder, concrete company and my investment co., and $30,000 later, I have one for the first time in nearly 40 years.

ELECTRIC IN THE GARAGE. I’m still not completed getting electric in the garage. Just lots of stuff going on this month. Hopefully I can get back on that project in January.

PLYMOUTH PARTS. I have a bunch of parts now to install on the Plymouth, which includes a new one-wire alternator to replace my generator. I also recently purchased something I haven’t seen before — a complete and intact 56 Plymouth horn ring. I paid a hefty price for it, but you don’t see them ever for sale on eBay. I was happy to hit that Buy It Now button.

I also have the following parts:

  • a decal set for the air cleaner
  • a new Belvedere radio insert. This one is as good as my existing one, but I bought it allow me to install a modern radio, and I can modify the plate as needed for a modern radio, as long as its a single DIN … or maybe a 1.5 DIN.
  • new valve cover gaskets. I need to remove the valve covers, clean and paint them, then reinstall them to be sure they do not leak. I suspect they existing gaskets have been leaking oil onto the existing manifolds.
  • new NOS headlight doors. Probably won’t put those on right away.
  • a used air cleaner complete. Plan to refinish it red for use once its in restored condition.

OTHER PLANS. I plan to upgrade my air compressor to a 2-stage unit sometime this winter. The new compressor will live in the barn, right where the existing one is.

WCC. I have missed most of the Burger King Mondays of the Whiskey City Cruisers this month. I plan to return in the New Year.

Plymouth parts, garage update
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